Friday, October 11, 2013

Unless you

New graphics card is something worth longing, desire and effort Do not be too surprised if the girl does not know that the radiator with water regime in a line of high-end graphics cards will have power unequaled strength, enhance performance and image of the game, transmitted to the immense inspiration and ineffable, all the better dinner under candlelight flickering or romantic night stargazing.
The only problem is the graphics card is not cheap, the product quality is always accepted at U.S. $ 500-600 new or higher quality can display 60 fps in Crysis 3 or beauty "-looking "Battlefield 4.
Thus, many players will have earned no frills as, accumulate money to upgrade and purchase them regularly, as the girls buying dresses size. So, never seemed to defy a graphics no frills card and see if it is mediocre, do not ever compare the graphics quality of the game when you do not really understand anything. Especially, do not be too demanding of people love to buy this, shopping the other, leading to this place, and there to put on a special period in March or November, at which the village's blockbuster game detonated simultaneously.
When we say "Good Night", does not mean we will sleep There are two scenarios no frills that gamers often used to not continue to talk to "partner" at night, and they depend mainly close to the level of the relationship of two people:
When they lived separately, avoiding this would be simpler. 11pm, male gamers could lazily say that was tired and wanted to sleep. Maybe they're asleep when it was, a little. no frills But what they will actually no frills do? That war continues in Call of Duty, plowing hard for the next level of online gaming, with teammates screaming in MOBA games ... Of course, that's just a harmless lie, allows gamers to play in peace without entangled in an argument like this: "Well, no frills I'm fed up to him because of the stupid questions and . you want to play the game, that's it, I'm no frills going to bed. " "Last night I went to bed tired from 10h only that" the harmless lie classic gamers.
If the two of you have lived together, everything will be much more complex. That would be the time to wait pretend girlfriend sleeping, try to open up his game, and fumble wriggle room lights are not as Solid Snake or Sam Fisher, scattered in the living room or office (where they have Porter ingenious laptop or PC to put it before), light headset, unplug the speakers, turn on the computer or console light as possible. Everything will end at midnight or at dawn, and the guy was going back beside your bed, get up at dawn with a sleepy face.
Accept it or not is up to you, but completely prohibit not the way to fix the problem. Please limit them in the time allowed, sometimes for a few nights of players if you want. Anyway, if they took the time to play the game to bed, the time of the two together will be shortened.
Gamers are always considered to be a behavioral Games artistic Much debate has erupted many players and admitted that their relationship with his girlfriend has been destroyed following the debate about the value art in the game, as well as in life. It seems too difficult for the girls to understand and recognize the beauty of the virtual world, the creation of characters, the artwork, the outfit's game, the gameplay ... and many other things.
Disdain or always referring to the conflict, it is ridiculous for them to make an argument for the impasse, because in the game, there is nothing absurd or simply prefer not, by itself the initial absurdity that was accepted then. Speaking a second player that they pursue and how long their going hungry this is not worth nothing, no frills a useless heap, the scribble, the sexy girl, hideous monsters ... is an expression of the need to find a girl that her new boyfriend, no frills not they need to find a new girlfriend girls.
Unless you've no frills sat for 12 hours with Shadow of the Colossus, Uncharted 3, Final Fantasy few without seeing some changes in mind, we advise no frills you to simply agree or disagree with this and great not to push the issue further stress. Otherwise, it will create a difficult to heal rift in the relationship.
At the cut-scenes slide is not the time to talk Most are offline game cutscenes, sometimes a few minutes or tens of minutes as Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid ... Gamers do not like to see them also. For some people it's not like a movie inspired by the way they wait for the new screen it is finished, the final boss. And many girls mistakenly bored waiting for his players is the right time to two people talking to each other.
For those who attentively watch the cutscenes, it is thought that video brings no frills special content compelling storyline, like when you're watching Korean dramas, you will definitely roaring up the

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