Monday, June 1, 2015

After leaving the mall, the man found his wallet and watch carefully remove something from within.

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In images captured by the camera, a man drops his wallet away, where there are 100 dollars, identity card and some credit cards. What can it expect neck after this time is really impressive.
In the first part of the video image appears neck with people you cried the man in question and returns the wallet. Then all attention is directed by a young man with amputated leg. It finds the wallet, she picks it up and check the contents, then continues quietly shopping. Curiosity drove the initiators of social experiment to prosecute the man to see what actually happens wallet found.
After leaving the mall, the man found his wallet and watch carefully remove something from within. Then the young man starts out. After a few meters, which staged the social experiment realizes that the man is going home owner's neck wallet. neck What followed is a real life lesson and a proof of honesty.
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