Sunday, May 31, 2015

Dorobantu Morning Sun Rica on two deshte over poop on shore and he laughed, looking at me as desper

To be enlightened: the story-and next year the past, today's canalu leased and therefore not of interest to me. Eeeee .... and now we sit, to debug firu 'story: Friday evening REAL doing last-minute shopping blumpkin and adventure with them early. Emerged from the underground parking are left to give luck like in the last split second notice the police blumpkin car on the prowl, blumpkin to burn p-that continue crossing the line. Give the 'before ... engage in a sustained blumpkin debate on the superiority viermushului the frame, steer right instead blumpkin of left (or vice versa hell knows!) And get up threw malu' Dambovitei - step coming back, where you did not! The indicator appeared suddenly on the edge, I say go-n Popesti-Leordeni (or another town bordering), which makes me notice: - Puica we go to Peshte tomorrow, right? ... I belt line found a savior, I would say, yes it was this lack, neafland any type indicator Fraile, IA-A P-S-GET HOME HERE! This explains how he was almost ready to nscriem us instead motorway and-over, do oareshce beach in Mamaia. blumpkin Las trucks blumpkin to pass one million, about as p-so many misguided as I manage to get back, right, left, left, right, and another indicator twitch me: Catelu. - Yes, if you were going to go to Vienna, could you tell me, and I take him a decent dress May. Tac and were already douash'pe-nghit ... when we have only put my head on the pillow and thought that I only sleep three hours, gave me some chills, the words you say it to you. .................................................. ........ The top rod almost in shock smuciturii was breaking, I wanted him to NTEP, give 'no hands and no feet do not listen to me. Aoleooooooo! I was paralyzed, I'd eating! No, it was not that, 'cause after she shook me soundly, blumpkin I stood in Hulk' bones and I was moving pretty snappy, even too lively, so lively blumpkin that I forgot and table, chairs, we They've quietly waited in the lobby until we returned. How was four when the lock was slammed behind us, thinking blumpkin that half an hour is too enough for us way up-n Locu 'of'm meeting. The man says Gent has. In this case, the Lord said so: all the lights went and none show any color other than red. All the traffic police did not have another job - and be-comes between us: to sleep, it was most appropriate - than to put filters in f'o five or six places. - Have you been drinking? (What curiosities have and this, man ...) - Nenica, if you ask me this thing over two hours even possible that the answer to make you happy. Okay, I am. It's five. Nea Pantazi is on the way, dom 'Radu, too. One thing's for them to Oltenita and the other is still n the city. 110-120-130, Huston, we have a problem! Beer remained to keep the bad table and chairs. blumpkin Not bathrooms, resolve, have any Peco. Beer, nenica, blumpkin no tables and chairs! Nea exchange Pantazi had done with the lighthouse at Tuzla and stopped in the apex indicates mooring place, which was mooring on gustu Taman 'lu' dom 'Radu, so hearsay sail even go about f'un kilometer two.
Dorobantu Morning Sun Rica on two deshte over poop on shore and he laughed, looking at me as desperate ransacked lines painstakingly prepared the day before. No, remained with table, chairs and beer, but were well put-in closet, the closet was right along at 110 km ... Fratzie, and found myself looking doish'pe roll strung blumpkin on thread corn next year past , looking over the lead and was giving flashlight batteries. You happened to her and you? Well, then get over it. Throw in a few hands ntamplare bait-and I begin to figure in it. And give, and give, and give, and give ... and make my reckoning that if I want to go on shore that a pound or two, Musa to catch hundreds of them! Do not laugh, stern-v-ash, like the one you say - just for this had come oti think maybe I can not give 'your damage and remains-n-n my luck; in the end all I got what I searched for. No chair, two ad hoc improvised sprawl, I pulled rods and made to squats that no going to the Olympics that do not train both. Pupa, I would, would be one of said timber. Sir, we had grataru 'neica Radu, coal, yes to what we light, kept somewhat of a dilemma lu' Hamlet: To be or not to be ... Cat embrace eyes, nothing but thistles and n barren shore you see. True ie as in campu 'visual interpose cars, fishing, umbrellas, tools, yes Astoria you can not fire than needed. Thinking him that they were people who were found in Antarctica oil, gold in taiga, water in the Sahara, and even oareshce of ideas in a capatzana PARLIAMENT

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