Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The news that a wealthy young gentleman, Mr. Bingley, have rented Netherfield Park

"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen | Readers Wall
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The news that a wealthy young gentleman, Mr. Bingley, have rented Netherfield Park's house, causes great enthusiasm in Mr and Mrs Bennet's house. They have all five unmarried daughters, and especially to Mrs. Bennet do everything possible to get them married off to a rich and good men. All Bennet girls attending pull and bear a velkomstbal where Mr Bingley is the main point. Mr Bingley is immediately very interested pull and bear in the oldest and most beautiful daughter, Jane, and he dances pull and bear with her virtually the entire evening. Mr Darcy, close friend pull and bear of Mr Bingley, is not, however, thrilled to participate in ballet. pull and bear He is not satisfied with the selection pull and bear of dance partners, and there is not really anyone who cares about him. In particular, the second oldest daughter, Elizabeth, very offended Mr. Darcy proud behavior, and she can not help but provoke him a bit.
After some time there is a change in Mr Dacys behavior and attitude. He slowly begins to care about more of Elizabeth Bennet, and is especially pull and bear captivated by her charm and intelligence. This creates, however, a bit of drama, as Mr Bingley's sister, is keen to impress Mr Darcy. At the same time Mr Darcy is not the only one interested in Elizabeth, the young Clergymand, Mr Collins, pull and bear proposing to her in hopes of marriage. As Mr Collins stands to take over Bennet's estate after he is dead, this seems like a logical choice for Elizabeth, but she he politely declined, much to the disappointment pull and bear of the rest of the Bennet family. The girls begin instead to be interested in much new a group of young men in the city, and here especially Mr Wickman quickly Elizabeth's friend when he tells her disappointing secrets and details about Mr Darcy. The hope of marriage now looks bleak for all the Bennet girls.
Mr Darcy visit frequently Elizabeth, and when he can not hide his love for her more suitor he to her, hoping pull and bear that she will marry him. Also Mr Darcy says Elizabeth no to, and explains that she thinks that he is arrogant and unpleasant, and accuses him also to manage Mr Bingley away from Jane. When Elizabeth is out for a walk in the park shortly after the rejection comes Mr Darcy, however, rushing in a letter he asks Elizabeth to read. The letter changes everything, and Elizabeth must now re-evaluate its position on Mr. Darcy.
There is no doubt that Jane Austen is one of the most important female writers in history, if not the most important. Her novels and stories have been translated into all languages, and it's not many who have never heard of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy. Jane Austen is also one of my absolute favorite writers, and there will never be anyone else who can take this place from her.
Jane Austen's novels are known for many things. They are known for being romantic, charming and pink. Above all, Jane Austen, pull and bear however, best known for his ironic and critical depictions of her contemporary society where the difference between men and women was very high. Elizabeth Bennet is the nature expressing these messages very best. She is extremely intelligent, she is taking no bad treatment pull and bear from men, and she is in all situations crisp. Therefore, just "Pride pull and bear and Prejudice" also Austen's most famous novel, and include also been filmed numerous pull and bear times. In addition to this, there is subsequently received many bids to re-interpret the love story where Bridget Jones is probably the best known. There is no doubt that Austen novel is an incredibly important one. The main theme in the novel is marriage and it portrayed very clearly in the form of Elizabeth's mother, Mrs. Bennet, how important it was to get her daughters married to rich real men. Love might come afterwards.
My admiration for Jane Austen is infinite, and "Pride and Prejudice" is one of the novels, I keep re-reading, summer after summer. My perception of the story changes pull and bear slightly pull and bear for each reading, and I can still be overwhelmed by the catch history, though I have read it so many times before. Jane Austen is one of the writers who really many people love and admire, and it is not without reason. If you have not already done so, I would recommend everyone to get acquainted with Jane Austen. "Pride pull and bear and Prejudice is a great place to start.
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