Wednesday, May 6, 2015

31.7% explained the reason minus extraordinary event such as a family event, outing or illness and

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31.7% explained the reason minus extraordinary event such as a family event, outing or illness and -39.1% minus admitted that the reason they are is the wrong economic livermore outlets conduct adopted over time
A survey conducted by the soldier livermore outlets Treasury livermore outlets Bank, in cooperation with New Wave Research among 500 respondents over age 18 reveals a fascinating artifacts on financial behavioral habits of the residents of Israel. The survey shows that 23% of Israel's population in most or all of the month in a minus bank and more than 11% are in small portion month, probably livermore outlets towards livermore outlets the end. This means that approximately 34% of Israelis say they are minus one or another livermore outlets part of the month. Interestingly there is no connection between the amount of income minus the bank concerned to -34.8% of those who defined themselves as income which is "well above average", are minus any particular month.
In addition, it was found that economic management is improving with age but only worsens, and accordingly, the higher the amount livermore outlets of bank overdraft: only 7.7% of the Israelis until the age of 24 said that they are in debt during the month. In the ages of 25-34 are at minus 16.8% of the Israelis and the region aged 35-44, 37.6% of Israelis are in debt.
The peak ages at the entrance to minus bank account are 54-45 where 39.3% of the population are regular overdrawn at the bank and -46.4% livermore outlets of them expressing that they are in debt because of the general conduct of the wrong (52.2% of respondents livermore outlets in this age group do not even know what is the interest rate that they pay for minus). From the age of 55 years seem that the situation is improving and the bank overdraft of the 60 are dwindling.
31.7% explained the reason minus extraordinary event such as a family event, outing or illness and -39.1% minus admitted that the reason they are is the wrong economic conduct adopted over time. More than 5% of Israelis admit that they do not know the reason for which they were entered negative. livermore outlets Breakdown of the results reveals that about 62% of those are aged 18 to 24 said that they believe are not going right financially, compared to only 40% of those are from age 35 to age 44.
Managing Director of Treasury Bank soldier, Israel Trau: "Financial education is the key word. The average Israeli does not know to balance its income expenses. Israel is expensive and therefore it seems to us that Minos Bank's something legitimate, logical, and even claim it inevitable. Of course the reality is far from it: Do not ever, certainly among the middle class, the minus is not a necessity. Most people are fighting today's economic reality and so they must know to manage their bank account is correct: There is schedule your priorities, taking livermore outlets into account that they must prepare for hard times such as unemployment or occupational disability. " livermore outlets
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