Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bachelor holiday, shopping time which takes place on November 11, is the brainchild of Chinese yout

Service shopping time Kalkalist, 2 Comments
This is what happens when you become the "holiday Bachelor" China - a celebration of global sales with unprecedented operations; Chinese Internet giant Alibaba has now sold products worth $ 9.3 billion, divided between more than 230 million orders received from the Company's sites. Approximately 43% of the orders were carried out using cellphone. Sales this past Black Friday (Black Friday's) US - so this is the most productive shopping day in history.
Bachelor holiday, shopping time which takes place on November 11, is the brainchild of Chinese youths who have decided to celebrate their bachelorhood; But the holiday has become a daily online sales event in the world. Balibaba shopping time allowed to make reservations early for the singles in the mid-October Consumers shopping time can pay a deposit to keep the product in which they are interested in a holiday discount price bachelor, and pay the difference on the day itself. As part of the operations have been offered millions of products, even on ordinary days are sold at extremely low prices, a discount of 50%, with a further discount of $ 10 on every purchase of $ 99 or more. Alongside hundreds of products sold at only $ 11.11. At that price you could buy a home vacuum cleaner, for example, shopping time at a price 94% lower than the original price, ceramic knife set at a discount of 91%, and the status of the iPad, jackets, shopping time shirts, shopping time watches and handbags. Operations have also begun selling brands, such as Lenovo's smartphone or $ 89 Calvin Klein underwear at 15% -20% discount. Chinese smartphone manufacturer has been validated 853 thousand handsets sold during the first half of the day, her income generating sales of $ 195 million, and the catalog of Aliakfrs smartphones shopping time could also compete with models like LG, Sony, HTC and ZTE discounts of dozens of percent. shopping time
Alibaba now expected that sales will total $ 8.2 billion; Some analysts predicted that sales will reach $ 8.6 billion - compared with $ 5.8 billion in 2013, 3.04 billion in 2012 and -820 million in 2011. By comparison, cyber Munday - online sales day the nation's largest daily, which takes place on Monday after Thanksgiving - ended with sales of $ 1.7 billion.
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