Friday, May 8, 2015

Organic goodwill farm, according to the principles of growth in Fukuoka. For those who are interest

If you are looking for a special destination trip. Combines an air of India, also an atmosphere of heat "to and meaning through volunteering, Aoroil is the place. Pre say that I not an expert, but I visited and I really liked, and sure you can find out more about the place if you come .. Just wanted you to know that this place exists, and you get check it out for yourself.
Orville is located in southern India, near the city of Pondicherry. State of Tamil Nadu. This international community, the fruit of the vision of the "mother" - the mother. She had envisioned a place where they can live together people from all over the world, community supports, ecological focus in people's lives is introspection, unity, meditation and humanity. Place each gives according goodwill to his ability, to each according to his needs .. (like the idea underlying the Israeli kibbutz)
After many searches in an area designated for the project was selected and began its development. The area was almost nothing. Orville stands in the center of the metric uncommon. The heart of the community. Temple where God does not worship goodwill any external. The heart of the building is a lovely meditation space sanctifies the quiet and well in the inner value.
More interesting way to experience the place is a volunteer in one of the local community. There are several places to get volunteers. Every community with its conditions and its uniqueness. I will point out a number of options, but must enter the site and check out the list. Please note that not every place where there is a possibility to volunteer is suitable for families. You need a big room, a kitchen, and some tinkering or a children. Some places, goodwill such as in education, where you live in another place to volunteer.
The most recommended place for me. We were there for almost goodwill two months and we had a wonderful experience. Aviram established place Yuri Rosen and live there with their two daughters aged 13 and 6. This is an international community of volunteers, with a rich community life and wrap. Sadhana is a community that deals with new rates of large area Baoroil. This is important work that thanks to successful forestry and water conservation methods, leaf level of the wells throughout the region over six feet past ten years. The place is a jungle small, with a traditional coconut wooden huts and a central cabin which is the heart of the place. Sunday through Thursday work together to noon, and on Saturday and Sunday there is free time. Meals shared, communal goodwill atmosphere. And fill leisure time in many workshops all volunteers move. A life full of interest and content. The place is very prepared to receive families. Family Cabin receive only one parent is obligated to volunteer because the other parent is perceived as somebody who was with the children. There are three meals a day and a lot of content and free time activities. There are excellent small pool for children, and "mud pool" - a large water reservoir in nature, near the farm. A paradise for children and a wonderful place for parents. Pay 300 rupees goodwill per person per day for participation in food costs. Importantly sadhana is a community vegan, organic food without animal products. Smoking and drinking alcohol also. So take into consideration. For more information: long and detailed blog I wrote about sadhana
Experiencing growth that deals with organic fruits and vegetables for use in community Orville. Neat and nice place, investors in the planning and maintenance. Nice owner. You can volunteer for a period of two weeks or more. The cost is 250 rupees per person, includes breakfast, and working in the garden between 06: 00-09: 00 am. You can use the kitchen if you want to cook for yourself. A small place between 15-20 volunteers, goodwill there is not much community life, but leaves a lot of free time to experience the Orville. Good for those who want to learn about organic farming and modern, and less likely to want to socialize.
A community that deals with art and the empowerment of local women. Belongs to the organization "action groupe village" has a variety of volunteer opportunities in the areas of local empowerment, not just art, it is possible to talk with those responsible and check with them about housing.
Organic goodwill farm, according to the principles of growth in Fukuoka. For those who are interested in Parma Kaltz see will be very interesting to know this place. Called system of "no farming" grow several types of plants the same plot, trees, shrubs and vegetables, do not turn the earth upside down from anything familiar. Very merges with nature and his class. You can volunteer for lunch and accommodation. Even here less suitable for families, but more individuals , but you can be interested in. There is no community life as sadhana, just give hours a day and the rest is available. Minimum Volunteer Month.
There are other places I have not mentioned probably did not know about. There is an entire office that deals with the subject, and his name savi. You can contact them before you arrive and find out about volunteering options available. Can I volunteer in orphanages, the elderly, and various farm. Some of volunteerism is not living. Go and Explore.
And more and more. I do not Aorooilianit not know everything, but for those looking for a place to live in India with the children. I would recommend that you test. The thing is that the first stage of the admissions goodwill process goodwill Orville requires a three-month volunteer in one of the Orville. So worth a volunteer for three months and if they see that well, you can start the process. goodwill Useful information and some tips about Orville -
Mandy R Metairie tour: adults - the visitor center you can order from rare tour umbrella, which helps to understand goodwill a lot of the Orville and guiding principles of life there. Tour should register in advance at the office "visitor center" Tuesdays to Sundays (both closed) from 10-11 or between goodwill 14-15. Children - tour is not suitable for small children, from the age of ten can. But there is a solution. During my morning gift metric from rare closed to guests and is open to children goodwill in schools and kindergartens of Orville. If you arrive between goodwill 9-11, provided you already did the tour of adults, will you come in. This is an interesting experience for children. Very recommended.
Workshops and activities

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