Friday, May 29, 2015

If you sit and think that it is cliché that a woman who has been studying English at the university

If you sit and think that it is cliché that a woman who has been studying English at the university, is a fan of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, then you're right. Absolutely, absolutely right. And I admit that I am fully fit into the cliché. I have the book, the BBC's film version on DVD and has even visited Lyme Park which was used as a backdrop for Pemberly of BBC (where I bought a book about how the BBC series was to). I love the universe, the language used and all the allusions and agree units. I love the stubborn characters that sits well and truly stuck in their ideas about how life should be and how people should behave, and all the wonderful misunderstandings these performances give. I love Lizzie Bennet's sure that she has the right in all its positions, and as outspoken and lively are not afraid to express them. I love Darcy's pride and his social awkwardness. Yes - even Mrs. Bennet's all-my-daughters-be-married-and-one-in-goes behavior that gets me to curve my toes of embarrassment, sam moon I simply can not resist. Along with all that, there is also the seriousness of the story; the economic crisis the family is in jokes throughout the story. Two years ago I fell so of Lost in Austen. I am stubborn when creating spin-offs. Basically I do not like them. I often think they spoil the story, and generally, I also believe that one must resist if they just made to make money. It should preferably be made with love for the original story. sam moon Lost in Austen, I think definitely do it with love. And who has not dreamed a tiny bit about being able to be a part of the universe in a favorite book? Admit it. The day before yesterday I fell so in a hole. A youtube hole. It is a project called The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. This is an American project, which is designed as video diaries. They are made of fictitious Lizzie Bennet that uses the diaries as a universitsprojekt, where she talks about her family (and her sister's love life). Over 100 diary entries we come throughout Pride and Prejudice, told with modern twists, sam moon and the whole thing is obviously made with great respect and love for Austen's original sam moon story. And Ashley Clements is FABULOUS as a modern Lizzie Bennet. It takes up some freedoms, but I have long since forgiven everything, and declared me big, big fan. Then you're missing something to skip deal with, give you set out to see the 100 section of approx five minutes there is to find on youtube - like a taste I've put the first section in here on the blog. Haps! Can be recommended along with tea, blankets and candles. And chocolates. Always chocolate.
2015 (65) May (6) April (11) March (12) February (15) January (21) 2014 (65) December (5) November sam moon (3) October (6) September (4) August sam moon (6) July (4) June (4) May (5) April (3) March (6) February (9) January (10) Bringing Vincent sam moon to live An additional evening post New Year Continue Two books later ... Glitter, sex, color and have-we-been-the-road? When I fell in the snow! (On the delayed manner) coals At ten minutes to midnight to the new start 2013 (53) December (12) November (11) October (19) September (11)

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