Sunday, May 10, 2015

Thank you for the quick reply and detailed. I registered 180 days. Anyway before I go about it: 1)

Skype-I do not know where to begin on this Ascol.tzric Help!
Two days ago I installed and managed to get a call to Bezeq's parents. Two days passed and Hops-Unable to receive calls and it seems that I have Skype credit. Did you get it free for a trial period of a few days? Now this: It gives me an option to pay 10 euros and to be able to receive calls for a period of 180 days. Some questions: 1) If I call the iPhone locked, of course, using Wi-Fi reception, do I pay for the airtime? My brother says no, but I want to be sure. 2) Let's say I do not pay for air time, I also can call mobiles? 3) in some cases, it also paid airtime per minute or Internet traffic? * I will mention only in a locked iPhone calls, if not paid airtime, then 10 euros to 180 days this is an excellent deal for me even if I can call only landline phone as telecommunications, etc.? ..... In short, I need that final answers Before to iron the visa. Thank you so much for helping, and sorry if this is not the place designated in the forum, simply could not find room for questions on Skype Skype .... what else to do with just Laiifon.ani not designate it to any other device nor my laptop.
It is not 180 days and everything you want, is there a limit minutes. 1. You do not pay for airtime, "no taxes". 2. Allow. 3. If you are using Internet cell phone company you are paying for traffic, because you do not have a website you do not pay.
Thank you for the quick reply and detailed. I registered 180 days. Anyway before I go about it: 1) How long is that if not 180 days? 2) Do not read well between the lines, and it is about 10 euros per month? But I do not think I want to make sure the final. * Rules, whether chadstone my current situation with the iPhone locked you highly recommend? chadstone Can I be sure that another call using iPhone on a wave of wireless Internet, I do not get a visa charge more than 10 euros one-off? I here not sew a straight astronomical exceeded Visa account. I want to know I'm paying the 55-60 shekels plus or minus Skype and have a specified period, 180 days, or whatever you say.
I threw just 10 euros. Again a mistake in reading comprehension and doing things before you get satisfactory answers from people who understand. This credit of 10 euros you can finish in two weeks. A short phone call and I've chadstone got nothing 0.19 euros. It is the enthusiasm of the iPhone talk again ...... hope that those 55 or 60 shekels last I throw on tuition fees related to the iPhone, not including NIS 100 I'll gladly pay Once finally broke out of my version locking or other device munchies and came. Obviously I'm not going to do it alone. I threw my estimate between 600 and 700 shekels I used to buy the device on tuition includes: Screen Protectors chadstone iPhone and worse, false uncured software unlock ensured thanks to the advice chadstone of Ahitofol of hacker pound Eleq recommended me to try, as long as a software lags associated with the first attempts to save the device + What 2 Travel Lt? A. Something like 700 shekels, that my tuition Caiifonr not consulted chadstone early enough. Not to talk about it after the fact is no shortage of those in Israel chadstone who find the iPhone 3gs 32C outbreak? GB, Guaranteed several hundred dollars that I bought. Zap does not become chadstone recruits chadstone fox online shopping, even though my state, I could not afford purchasing such a device in less than 10 payments, and therefore non-attractive price. chadstone *
Can be mobile, now I tried. It does not change the fact that I threw away 10 euros. Who is really going to use this service, will throw 10 euros every two weeks. It's very lucrative for people who live outside Israel and want to keep up with the country. It does not pay to one who lives in the country. The only thing that pays me as part of it that I have Skype, it's free ability to speak with my brother in Costa Rica who also has Skype, but it's not about those 10 euros. chadstone Think how long I'll finish the 10 euro credit package that, if only on an experimental phone yesterday chadstone that even he did not answer that immediately hung up, only to see that it works. It just got me 0.19 euros. Again, those living outside Israel this super lucrative even if you buy a package of 50 euros, but for me it is throwing away 10 euros futile attempt foolish.
Why futile attempt? 10 euros that these go in the trash. I thought most of my innocence / stupidity, for 180 days I call free Skype via the iPhone, which was an excellent solution chadstone to avoid issuing chadstone calls Nokia shocking warms the ear after five minutes of conversation. I did not think that it's actually EUR 10 pack-minute minor realistically ends after two weeks. I have 600 minutes per month in cell phone, I do not have to pay 10 euros a package of minutes that ends after Sboaiim.ani not a tourist. I did it to avoid possibly bloody Nokia conversations that mention the iPhone is a pleasure and the ear is not heating up. What is true, will create a relationship with my brother chadstone soon so that we can speak freely from Israel to Costa Rica. It's also something. 10 euros is annoying, but it's not a disaster. The lesson is again: consult, consult, and consult again before giving credit card. Apparently reading comprehension in these areas, it is not powerful thing for me.
Can be mobile, now I tried. It does not change the fact that I threw away 10 euros. Who is really going to use this service, will throw 10 euros every two weeks. It's very lucrative for people who live outside Israel and want to keep up with the country. It does not pay to one who lives in the country. The only thing that pays me as part of it that I have Skype, it's free ability to speak with my brother in Costa Rica who also has Skype, but it's not about those 10 euros. Think how long I'll finish the 10 euro credit package that, if only on an experimental phone yesterday that even he did not answer that immediately hung up, only to see that it works. It just got me 0.19 euros. Again, those living outside Israel this super lucrative even if you buy a package of 50 euros, but for me it is throwing away 10 euros futile attempt foolish. There is a package chadstone of less than 4 euros you talk as much as you want in a month. Where it is written that it is only because of this I asked stationary. Has anyone tried the package? It sounds

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