Thursday, May 21, 2015

Simonas Bartkus - 10 8 2013, 19:32

Simonas Bartkus | Blog Lithuania this year to become the largest aviation market in the Baltic States *
It ended three quarters of 2013 and can already be quite realistic to imagine how the year will end. It is hardly to be expected that the market has undergone some sort of profound changes which could fundamentally alter the local market.
Latvian air ports (more precisely - Riga Airport and other airports in Latvia for several years to make a circular statistics to zero), after quite significant fall of 2012., 2013. stabilized and trying ultra to keep 2012. level. It should be noted that airBaltic passengers in 2013. continue ultra to fall, but other carriers breath 2013. Riga, a little gets lighter.
After the transit model Estonian Air development in 2011-2012. Tallinn Airport passenger traffic bloated capital of Estonia in 2013. falling. I am already wrote about it, but in order to assess the overall state of the market, it is important to eliminate transfer passenger traffic (when a passenger traveling from Moscow to Munich via Riga - What Has the Latvian market condition?).
There is a simple collection of accurate figures are filtered to what exactly is the part of the passenger at the airport, but several ultra tools allow you to do quite accurate assumptions (IATA Paxis, BSP Sales Date, flight data). The painting would look like this:
This year could be special in that, according to the number of passengers entering (or completing) trip number of passengers in Lithuanian airports Lithuania recover leader T-shirt in the Baltic region just after 10 years. It is true that in reality these figures will be confirmed only other year in May-June, when all passengers are properly accounted for.
In the short term the airline would begin to publish their plans for 2014. summer. As always, particularly early did Wizz Air, which is going to Vilnius basing his third flight. Although in theory the airline ultra will increase 1.5 times, according to a published schedule "capacity" Wizz Air increases the lower number - 18% compared with last summer.
Nevertheless, Wizz Air Vilnius impressive development. It puts a question mark next thing - Wizz Air is actively expanding ultra in the summer, but winter is froze its development, and this winter as much as 25% of its capacity in Vilnius rolling in sliders aircraft will land on. A question mark arises, what behavior will be more distant winters - more and more time on the ground or expanding ultra into new markets?
Air Lituanica September. ultra transported 9.2 thousand. passengers and took 8% of non-market LCC passengers at Vilnius International Airport. The plan by year's end to reach 10% of non-LCC market. Air Lituanica flights in September amounted to 6% of the Vilnius airport the flights.
Air Lituanica do not aim to take the part. This would be possible only at the expense of other carriers are closed. You really want to like passengers? :))
Everything is interesting and correct, but I do not want to agree on one thing - like Simon and trying ultra to ignore or downplay the importance ultra of transit, which ostensibly ultra unrelated to the market situation in Latvia (or another country). If transit passengers muster RIX, it means they propose suitable conditions means BT (or another company) to successfully compete in the market, ultra etc. It is important that this is not one-day process. The transit should be viewed more - and it's airport charges and costs in shops and restaurants, and perhaps in the future construction of a new hotel to the airport and the airport expansion. Most importantly, the transit passengers to the airport (and the whole country) is not in any trouble, just leave the money. ultra
Boeing:'m not saying that your listed aspects of the transfer does not generate benefits. Generates another secondary - from Riga would never have flights to Kaunas and Palanga Lappeenranta Kaliningrad or if you do not transit - and now Latvians / traveling to Latvia this can be used. I say another ultra thing - the transit points say about the state of the local market.
An interesting and crucial question - which way on Friday and Sunday, this time has made a cheap ticket? After all, it seems to be one of the best in Brussels? Whether the shares are published in the order just? Is not it more rewarding to support even those tickets to end, perhaps what fallen ultra asleep ministers last second buy?
Definitely calculated and if not done unprofitable :))) This is not the first pancake ultra 199LTBRU were already comparable share before about a month. I do not think that super attacking visi.BRU Buy it at what Prague there turistavimas expensive ...
Simonas Bartkus - 10 8 2013, 19:32
Arnold, exactly - no. Once upon a time we tried to order a survey in Riga, but the Latvians blocked :) if the CSF monitoring data is Lithuania sold very few tickets traveling from Latvia, but it seems that all of the Latvian fly with Ryanair.
From here pasimato transit benefit that enables more trips (every trip - such as an additional option. Incoming tourism), and with Riga as more accessible and more relevant example. Baltic business events

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