Saturday, December 14, 2013

You could but a peaceful Muslim and every day is not to contain gruesome violence committed in the

The photos of the stiffened by fear moeke & kids who were dead in the Westgate shopping mall were already impressed. But the rescue of the Kenyan agent should be there too. After four days of siege, the KDF could finally stabbing thumb up. Very Kenya welcomes and crying the hashtag oxendales # weareone. Before the evening oxendales news the entire national anthem was played. Until now there are 61 civilians killed, and six Kenyan soldiers / agents. Five Islamic Muslim terrorists (CCTV) are dead. Eleven oxendales suspects have been arrested. It is not known how many people there are in the building under the rubble. oxendales Coming up later in africa @ # PenW tells reporter that even in the mall include coffee was the story of this picture. oxendales Pritt Stift | 24-09-13 | 22:34 | link | comments 482 Reaguursels
But there was this English slut or not? Her behavior would be enough reason for people to scales from the eyes to drop in and see that it is Islam. No poverty or something else?? ... miko | 24-09-13 | 22:39
Tribute to this man. You will be there, but since Saturday hostage by the Middle Ages that the religion of peace have poured over you. And strength to mother and daughter, of course. Botte Hork | 24-09-13 | 22:39
You could but a peaceful Muslim and every day is not to contain gruesome violence committed in the name of your faith and god. I would destroy me ashamed and think or believe that it is good. Muslims do not, you wonder. Flodder oxendales | 24-09-13 | 22:39
Wow, playing the national anthem after being attacked by Muslims that the fruits of the Qur'an oxendales portray in your shopping. Then that Kenyans will be National Socialists are the worst kind, says all the idiots here in the Western world who are doing the reporting here. Go Kenya! Cheese The Dirty | 24-09-13 | 22:43
Netherlands is increasing every year, 500 refugees selected by the UNHCR: Would anyone like gambling much al-Shahaab oxendales militants oxendales parked by people who know the UNHCR volunteers to work in the West?
Why do we have to respect (the government) Islam I still wonder ... While fascism adhere again be a huge taboo in this country. To me they are both the same, a forced collective mindset, oxendales where questioning, discussion and possible death should anyone who does not agree is. Conclusion: Mein Kampf ban, then ban the Koran. King of the Oneliner | 24-09-13 | 22:45
What should I do with my emotions, oxendales so often be triggered by the whims of Islam, where should I go with my emotions. Expression should not, because that is not correct, books or a religion curse "is not done", but I see it happening before my eyes. Of "first world problems" such as restrictions on freedom through incorrect reactive behavior of my government restrictions by sputum oxendales for my feet. But I also have internet and come sometimes to direct contact with the vagaries of Islam, beheadings by children, children, children. Everything I've seen by Islam, and I can not show emotion, I can not swear, I can not curse. I go to bed. Islam is top notch, their culture is fantastic and if you say something, you're a racist. Applause for all wegkijkers, I am also one, because I no longer see through the tears. Cheese The Dirty | 24-09-13 | 22:50
Sometimes prejudices no bias more, but bunker hard facts. oxendales I admit it: I'm afraid of Islam. My country is plagued by this hateful ideology and it is but not intervened. Flying Spagettimonster nobody wants to kill his / her religion, sexual preference or whatever. If I could do for the world, a wish, I wish that do not exist anymore. Imagine how the world would dt burst upon Lina Mosa | 24-09-13 | 22:51
Imagine not to Cheese and now simply try to distinguish between "normal" faithful Muslims and extremists difference. In the Netherlands, you have mostly moderate Muslims who have no reason to be here every night crazy to sit superpower. Super Matthijs | 24-09-13 | 22:53
This very well. Can not further assess how dangerous the situation was there, if there anyway anytime shooting Muslims can enter you uberhaupt a hero if you uberhaupt do SOMETHING. The man has a beautiful oxendales piece of psychology oxendales screened to move to safety. Geparaliseerde mother who
@ Super Matthijs | 24-09-13 | 22:53 Just like regular moderate KKK members but a burning cross drop once a year on a neat rented land? That are at once sweet and we should oxendales respect it? dlseth_ | 24-09-13 | 22:56
As Parool and Freedom Netherlands ever entered the history as opposition newspapers during the German occupation (of that mentality legacy 'is now nothing more to me

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