At my age of civil strife ... All governments would prefer to have open eyes, since we are on the verge of greater concurrence between the cycle as civil unrest, and the Cycle of civil wars and revolutions, but also international wars. All these models converge, and as I pointed out at the Conference of cycles of war, this is the first time we saw such a concurrence from the 18th century. This is not a modern thing, when civil unrest break out, because we are in an interdependent world. - ZeroHedge
Analysis of free markets: World supremely eminent expert on weather cycles took us (see excerpt above). Martin Armstrong released his grim analysis on your own website and published on ZeroHedge, which attracted a lot of attention.
Armstrong is not a cry in the dark. It is a pioneer in the field of forecasting, particularly in terms of gold, Armstrong apparently acquired up to 10 000 U.S. $ per hour for their ability farm and fleet to predict and clearly remains headstrong and controversial figure.
The difference between the previous epochs and the present one is that people are aware of the mechanisms that shatters their society and subverts their culture. This undoubtedly adds even more to those civil unrest, which he notes Armstrong.
This is rebellion from below, farm and fleet mutually stimulating perhaps in some world-infection, however, is often in the likeness of a corrupt government. farm and fleet Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela and Bosnia-Herzegovina are all middle-income democracy with elected leaders besieged by angry people to misrule, corruption farm and fleet and economic sclerosis. farm and fleet
These days it's not just dictators who have why be afraid of crowds. They are Marxist promises what the central planning, and false promises, what drove them to do so, and those governments are too corrupt and incompetent to provide what for decades claim.
Communism is dead. The socialist agenda farm and fleet that governments and bankers filled pocket wallet is already well behind us. Serving the national debt on average represent 70% of interest payments, not payments programs to help the poor, as it sells.
Debts that keep growing without any intention on their amortization, sucking productivity of nations and people to transform economic slaves. Living standards plummeted and now it is necessary to have two incomes to survive where quite stačíval one. Women gained the right to work and lost the right to stay at home.
Promises that you spoříš the future, collapsed into dust, because farm and fleet interest rates are so pressed down, the savings you make absolutely no sense. There is no longer any such thing as saving a life of their fixed income. The old are whisking back between workers and all those ideas, he believed farm and fleet in generations, they waste away.
So it is no longer communists and dictators who to attack. Now they are targets of attacks by all governments, and when the economy fails after 2015.75 and the fabric farm and fleet of civilization unravels prospěchářští politicians clinging farm and fleet to power at the expense farm and fleet of the people.
"In Armstrong's view of the world leads to cycles of boom and bust as in the movement every 8.6 year, but it depends on what is the history of predictions. He announced ... Russian financial collapse farm and fleet in 1998, using the model, which also showed the top, just as he collapsed in 1989, the Japanese stock market. In these days when markets around the world rocked sovereign debt crisis in Europe and reminds readers of its forecast of October 1997 the creation of the euro "only transform currency speculation to speculation in bonds, which will eventually lead to the collapse of the system."
We're not so sure mathematically as Armstrong foundation. But his predictions about the collapse farm and fleet of around 2016 somehow mysteriously fit into our own vision. Likewise, as a general feeling of disintegration not only the West, but the global system.
It's all a huge mistake? We had a lot of work with it. On top of concentrating too much power just a few among central bankers and BIS itself. These trends took decades before they develop during how the BIS met with the G8 and G20 meetings. This brought credibility to the idea that all the noble and intelligent people watched the evolution of government debt spills over the edge, but did not do anything with it.
Either that simply did not notice or see it, but they refused to act. They were therefore collectively exceptionally distracted farm and fleet or incredibly passive. We do not believe the world's most powerful leaders or financiers. A third possibility is that it is a steerage history. What is to come is what the intention was.
Last time we explained it in the context of the party on Wall Street, which is intended to continue for the next one to two years - and those who attend carefully calculated manner immensely enrich before the curtain finally falls down.
Understand the modern paradigm of command and control of the power elite will be rewarded considerable farm and fleet sense of control as psychologically as well as in
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