Orwell's classic. Scary, scary classic. But people are creatures fearlessly. Uhnali beast, and now they killed it before Telkom fed, swallowed her Coke moves her fries. We even zosmiešnili rite aid her name and used it for the show, which has nothing rite aid to do with reality.
As I said, 1984 from Orwell's classic. Despite the fact that today few people actually read, the term Big Brother knows about everyone. Looking at the world in which we live, there is me, the truth was "the other". His name was Huxley. Aldous Huxley. His end of civilization (in the original Brave New World) displays the status of much more precise than Orwell.
Huxley created a world where people have created a dystopian rite aid novel for convenience, laziness and never ending fun. Like us, consumerist lifestyle of the End of Civilization instills since early childhood. We fortunately rite aid we are not yet at a level that we produce small consumers of tubes ... "Strange," mused the Director, he went on, "if we consider that even in the time of Ford Lord is not used for most games more than one , two golf balls, a few wooden sticks and most have a network. incredible folly, let people play complicated games, but this will increase consumption. Madness! top officials today allow checks to introduce a new game only if it proves that it requires at least just as many tools as the most complicated here, already established game. "
The important thing is not to stop to buy new things. Here we old things are nothing. "" Although there are beautiful? " "Especially if they are beautiful. Beauty is attractive and we do not want that people were attracted by old things. We want to have things rite aid like new. "
We no longer live in a time when people are suspects when they have low power consumption. As an example, Mr, the check came, they drew the little electricity, which you can read in the newspaper last week. He tried to be self-sufficient. This is the second common feature - the gradual isolation of the individual that is a member of the group. It sounds like an oxymoron, but it is not. In the book work GM caste. rite aid We conclude in social networks that show us just what we should want to see. Search engines rite aid will find results based on customer interests and Facebook before you reveal only posts from people with whom you have the highest rite aid chance to agree. There is nothing ohavnějšího and opovážlivějšího than unconventional behavior. When murder is killing a single - but ultimately what will meet the individuals? "And pointed to flourish series microscopes, test tubes, incubators." New individuals can make quite easily - and even how many we want. Unorthodoxy threatens more than just mere life individuals, it is a strike against the company itself. Yes, against the community. "
Also, it makes you feel so that the reality that Us billowing from the book End of Civilization by Huxley, can be (partially) prevented by read a book and realize what we do? I hope I'm not alone. rite aid This excellent book can also be found in the bookstore. Twitter Facebook Google+
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