Monday, November 3, 2014

The above passage, the writer recorded the analysis explains heard from many credible sources: The

"Love is not perfect makes it a lifetime of regret ... but apart but always remember to think of it as a dream of paradise, and always lefties love to imagine beautiful, romantic - romantic too much ! When you ask people to try to suppress the drawbacks to be replaced by the sweet gesture of tenderness, trying to show off all their advantages, even borrowing the images of movies, novels!
When you're in love, it brings lefties the object sense that they can sacrifice their lives, even if their parents object to every village of the country they are in love, means sacrificing everything they are, regardless - regardless - no computer - no worries - no need! But when the couple, the true nature of every human being from the city, after the curtain "pre-marital" broken wire falls. The following images backstage, sprawling full dress inlaid with gold, glass seed beads inexpensive votive, even the smiling mask gentle hearted. The truth expressed scowling face every patriarchal, conservative men - men, sullen faces and petty selfishness of women - women. Poetic romance is replaced by the preliminaries lefties of life, with physical difficulties fortune fame, made people forget the real value of life, we had a great time with it's life or death "situation love ". The inadvertently make love wither and heart choking, lefties not because blood is stagnant lefties fat, but because anger - jealousy - regret - the coveted! Where the old image? Where's the old man? Each day faced with "teenagers" gaze "bottle lefties sauce tuber pickle onions" - key shopping bills called Nordstrom - Dillard's - H & M - Macy's forgotten lefties compared to Home Depot - Low's - Fry's - Apple - Dell - Best Buy - Bose! Per day to watching "General Vo Diem" top cover tangled hair, dress pants lacks buttons set high low-duct, open mouth, the hissing scream, smile "water super inclined lefties to" disappear replaced by face witch nose curl corners lefties of the mouth droop long-standing streaks sometimes drool over night, smells faintly of N 5 disappears, leaving only the smell of a mix of milk and fish stock! And what fun dear! Baby! Sweet words from the day before, now replaced by the words fulminatory husband, just steps from the door of his wife heard groans, cries i add my dull, as witnessed father of two bickering, shouting at each other, blaming each other, even upper forearm lower leg - Oh! Love is like a blue bird flies away, the remaining pool of tears sparkling like diamonds heap, made in china pity! "
The above passage, the writer recorded the analysis explains heard from many credible sources: The husband has a daughter who loves fascination, forgetting that the career list, refused to ruling lefties get her back as his wife! The wife was so in love with the young man's father argued that the mother tricked lefties him to be taking a husband! Of course there are still bound together as love because that, also sometimes couples was nothing of each other, even friendship can not be accepted, only sulky resentment only! Life really happy to have integrity took the oath! Who ears! Summarizing the significance of unfinished and not unfinished, in two verses of Lake Dzenh on buses from Venice to Verona, a short ramp over an hour, beautiful road, they saw a white cloud spread, both watch the church steeple looms between vast green pastures wind flutter.
The story of classic love of the world, to live forever in the minds of the human heart is the love story does not end, completely unfinished, until the two main characters finally exhaled breath earthly farewell . They tell this love story one hundred percent true, because the grave of her still there, the house of Dal Cappello family still there, the railing Romeo to climb into Juliet room also how fake it is but!
Beautiful stone path exists from the 12th century to the present, paint may have been restored, but the right is the way Romeo had to walk to her house took about 15 minutes. This is great love story writer William Shakespeare recounted with great style, for generations students have to memorize - even lazy concave pump also remember a few words: "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and thy name Refuse. Or if Wilt thou not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a Capulet. "This sentence her students who were banned family love potions used to Juliet heels! You should use the following sentence: "Good Night, Good night! Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow, That I shall is say good night till it be morrow. "" It is the east, and Juliet is the sun! "" It Seems SHE Hangs upon the cheek of night like a rich jewel in police Ethiope's ear " "See, how SHE leans her Do cheek upon her Do hand! O rằng I were a glove upon rằng hand, That I might touch rằng cheek! "Ui perturbed, said she heard this type of canopy die to meet him life kh

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