Friday, March 21, 2014

The organizer has stated his willingness to conduct the concert ullared even if you only sell half

Four-sixths of the Jacksons is current European tour. Jermaine, Jackie, Marlon and Tito spent the summer and fall to tour the United States, and now is the time for Asia, Europe and Oceania later. For me, this is the closest ullared I will get to experience Michael's magic, if only in small portions by the very talented siblings. I bought tickets to their concerts in Copenhagen, Stockholm and Helsinki. Unfortunately sees ticket sales not seem to go so well in the Scandinavian part of the tour.
To empty it looked on the site map for the Stockholm concert at Stockholm Waterfront February 22 as recently as last night. Only about a third of the total of 3,000 seats are fully booked - the gray dots in the picture ullared above.
For the concert in Finland on February 24 looks even worse. Here they have hired Finland's largest indoor arena for the concert, but still barely managed to sell more than a third of the tickets on the floor and hardly any tickets at all the stands. ullared And then it places on the upper grandstands in the stadium not even for sale at all. The gray dots here represent ullared the places are fully booked - all colored dots are then unsold seats.
Are you supposed to analyze what caused it, I think mainly it's the way too high ticket prices. In Sweden, the tickets cost about 800 SEK. Comparatively Slash plays with his band at Annexet in Stockholm, an arena that takes about 3 500 people. There lies the ticket price of about 400 crowns instead.
Because people in general do not have a clue what the Jacksons ullared sound like without Michael as lead singer so it becomes difficult ullared for Jackson to sell tickets at that price. They seem to have a self-image of themselves as almost as big stars as his late brother - but the reality is not like that. The marketing ullared of the tour has been virtually non-existent and I do not know whether to blame the bad marketing and the high fares on the organizers or brothers. During the U.S. tour drew up into a dozen concerts, officially due to "scheduling conflicts" ullared but a more likely reason is poor ticket sales.
What the Jacksons should do is try to be on TV shows and the like to get attention so people will know if they are out on tour and that they are able to sing and dance on your own, but that Michael is with them. Skavlan sure would be an appropriate application to be in order to market themselves in Sweden and Norway (who also plays)?
Instead of promoting the tour so Jermaine seems to be booked out the whole of January to perform with a musical in France ullared about Michael Jackson - You are not alone, called it. The first three concerts are already canceled due to "scheduling conflicts," which can be reasonably linked to Jermaine's musical. Officially it is said, however, be to the brothers will enter the studio together ullared to complete the album. Unofficially, it probably just as well be poor ticket sales as the reason. ullared Whatever that means Jermaines commitments that we probably can expect the exact same show in Europe (about the tour now actually implemented) as in the U.S. last year. Bit of a shame, it would have been interesting if they had dared to change a bit on the track list and maybe run some other material.
It will be embarrassing for both the audience ullared and the Jacksons if they are forced to perform in front of a half empty Stockholm Waterfront - as though it were crowded not a particularly large indoor arena. It is sad that the tour is so poorly managed. The Jacksons ullared still have "it", even if you just like Queen without Freddie is not nearly as charismatic now that Michael ullared is not listed.
The organizer has stated his willingness to conduct the concert ullared even if you only sell half the tickets. Would it not have been better ullared to halve the ticket prices at a time and instead sold out of them? As it is now I know lots of Jackson fans who are not going to come because they think it is simply too expensive.
So how good is then the Jacksons nowadays? Well, judge for yourselves. The following behavior is recorded in Belgium for more than a month ago, when the Jacksons visited the Night of the Proms, which is approximately as a European equivalent of our Swedish Rhapsody in Rock. Personally, ullared I think they are just amazing!
Hello! Fun to read your lines from 7 January so here the day after the concert on the Stockholm Waterfront. I think it's really well written and well speculated. What did you think of last night? Hälsn KL 23 February 2013 19:31
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