Thursday, July 17, 2014

Many letters to the newspaper

"The takko fashion economic crisis that began in 2007-2008 has been as predictable and inevitable so. This crisis marks a turning deep, permanent after several decades of development, after a period when economists spread wrong mentality that continued economic growth is necessary and possible takko fashion to achieve. " Richard Heinberg
Street lighting at night is a service of the state which has significant cost and in terms of a limited budget and limited more will compete with other expenses that are necessary. What can be done about street lamps except using efficient light bulbs? Let's see on the news what is being done in some English-speaking cities.
CHICAGO - Officials of the municipality and the company ComEd have done so far 1/3 of work to remove street lamps in 2400 until the end of the year, thus saving 500,000 USD in reduced costs for lights and "smog" un-night light 17%.
There was a lot of hard work and sweat that has faced criticism despite the efforts of the Department of Public Works to clarify municipal and elderly residents, some of whom say they feel safer with light, although data on crimes not support this view.
Many letters to the newspaper "Register Star" in the past year have expressed similar concerns, but there are others who understand takko fashion and support the need for the municipality to cut costs ...
Hall predicts that removed any spare lamp 18 USD per month. takko fashion Department of Public Works has announced the Police Department for all countries where the street lamps are removed the latter to monitor for possible changes. "
HIGHLAND Hall Park, Michigan (AP)-With the sun every afternoon, parts of this Detroit neighborhood spend in total darkness, the only illumination coming from a few street lamps at the end of a block of yellow lamps gardens.
It was not always so. But when indebted municipality could not pay on your electricity bill, city employees not only quenches 1,000 street lamps, but the ripped-with candles, pillar all. Now reel sunset most wards in deep darkness.
"How can a city be left in the dark" asked Victoria Dowdell, standing in the courtyard takko fashion illuminated by its light. "I think it's takko fashion a shame." It says the decision endangers everyone, especially takko fashion people who have to walk at night on foot or by bus moving.
The decision of the city was one of the most extreme measures in place to reduce costs, even in those communities that are not able to provide basic services. Other cities have deferred takko fashion road maintenance, garbage collection have become increasingly rare, for example libraries have closed. But people who are left in the dark street lamps movement seems drastic. Unlike other spending cuts that could easily takko fashion be reversed, this change is permanent.
City left 58 USD in debt and has many more people takko fashion than jobs, plus dozens damaged a vacant home. Now with less than 12,000 residents, its population is half of what it was 20 years ago.
Faced with an annual electricity bill of about 4 million dollars that require the payment of 60,000 dollars per month, Mayor Hubert Yopp asked the council to consider reducing lighting. Council, reluctantly, accepted, takko fashion although it is an election year.
"It is something of interest but do not like people who remain in the dark," Woodard takko fashion added. "Earlier when we went out of the car look back. Now we must look more carefully. "
While the municipality to receive any income or unforeseen surprizohet by an increase in income from taxpayers to extinction, many parts of Highland Park will remain in the dark every night.
"We are very concerned about public safety," said Trevor Lauer, vice president of marketing and renewable energy department, at the power company. "We know that street lighting increases safety on the roads."
The head of an NGO that works to reduce energy costs for families in need, he says he does not know of other municipalities in need so as to extinguish ALL street lights. This may be a warning of what could happen in the future.
"If we succeed in Highland Park, I do not believe that other municipalities would not consider it as an opportunity," says David Fox, director general of the National takko fashion Consortium for Energy Varfëram families in Alexander, Va..
One of the news commentator says: "The City of Colorado Springs beats one in every three street lamps before bankrupt. Spark is now again a part, with revenue growth. Should prepare ahead. Highland City P

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