Winter favors mumps, as shown and advice for dealing | DAILY GAZETTE
Part of the frequent complications that occur during the winter they are also popularly known as mumps (mumps). cyber monday Due to their appearance are low temperatures and viruses, which spread easily in collective environments. White blouses noted that another reason associated with increasing the number cyber monday of patients affected by mumps during winter, favored by a weakening of the immune system. In an interview for the newspaper "Day", doctors infeksioniste Ilda Xhelili shows how this viral disease appears, along with advice and recommendations to be followed to avoid the complications that occur in health.
What is this disease and what is the cause? Mumps is an acute infection humane, cyber monday very sticky, which leaves permanent immunity. This disease is characterized by touching the salivary glands. This disease passes easily in childhood, affecting adults and sexual glands, meninges (brain chips) and pancreas, causing prolonged clinical forms, sometimes severe. Cause of this disease is a virus that belongs to the group of paramyxoviruses. The virus found in the blood of patients, the bone marrow fluid (cerebro-spinal fluid) in the saliva or in the various tissues of the body.
Disease has mainly seasonal nature being spread more during the winter and spring. Equally affects both sexes aged 5-15 years. Occupy a large percentage of cases in adolescence, but there are cases also often elderly cyber monday or seniors. For children newborn cyber monday to 6 months of life, is an extremely rare phenomenon due to passive protection from maternal transmission of immunity.
To pass the infection is an indispensable living close contact with the source of infection. This is mainly conditioned by the collective life (kindergartens, schools, dormitories, cafes, etc.). Only source of infection is a sick person or carrier of viruses. The infection is done by air, directly through spërklave or through contaminated objects with infected saliva. Saliva is contagious for seven to eight days before the onset of clinical signs and about ten days after the onset of illness. Also eliminated the virus during the first 15 days of the disease through urine.
The virus enters the upper respiratory ways, multiplied and from there passes into the bloodstream. By the blood he distributed in various organs, but especially in the salivary glands, sex glands, pancreas, thyroid, liver, kidney, and nervous system.
For mumps is not there any specific treatment, it is more symptomatic. Drugs are important for lowering cyber monday the temperature (paracetamol, ponstan). During the temperature advised bed rest as well as liquid diet chewing difficult. cyber monday Regarding orchitis, contrary to popular opinion, physical activity plays no part in its development or other complications. But in this case the treatment is specific and the physician specialist.
When we say that mumps affects the salivary glands (glandula parotis), this is not enough. In fact, we should mention that mumps is a viral disease of the total, which according to localization presented with different clinical forms.
Said that the infection primarily affects the salivary glands, but can, especially to adults, cyber monday as the first clinical sign of life orchitis (testicular inflammation), pancreatitis (infection of the pancreas) cyber monday or the nervous system (meningoencephalitis). The most common form that occurs, it is the inflammation of the gland parotis (mumps).
This form begins with general signs such as weakness, loss of appetite, headache, sore throat, fever and temperature cyber monday 38-39 degrees C. After 24 hours the patient feels difficulty in chewing, ear pain from one or both sides, sometimes may also have vomiting. Later start displaying typical signs of the disease with pain in the lower angle of the jaw, this pain that spreads to the neck and ear. It is here we parotis gland swelling (condition of saliva) that may remain cyber monday unilateral, but may be mutual, two - five days. This form gives the characteristic swelling face, that of pear. Swelling cyber monday can take large proportions including neck and chest. Swollen area of skin is shiny and without color shift. Swelling characteristic is greater, during and immediately cyber monday after feeding as a result of harassment reflector secretion. Also noticed an irritation of the throat and tonsils (angina). The general situation cyber monday is relatively good.
After touching the salivary glands, testicles touching (orchitis) remains the most frequent cyber monday localization of the virus. It occurs in 20-30 percent of men affected by the virus
Part of the frequent complications that occur during the winter they are also popularly known as mumps (mumps). cyber monday Due to their appearance are low temperatures and viruses, which spread easily in collective environments. White blouses noted that another reason associated with increasing the number cyber monday of patients affected by mumps during winter, favored by a weakening of the immune system. In an interview for the newspaper "Day", doctors infeksioniste Ilda Xhelili shows how this viral disease appears, along with advice and recommendations to be followed to avoid the complications that occur in health.
What is this disease and what is the cause? Mumps is an acute infection humane, cyber monday very sticky, which leaves permanent immunity. This disease is characterized by touching the salivary glands. This disease passes easily in childhood, affecting adults and sexual glands, meninges (brain chips) and pancreas, causing prolonged clinical forms, sometimes severe. Cause of this disease is a virus that belongs to the group of paramyxoviruses. The virus found in the blood of patients, the bone marrow fluid (cerebro-spinal fluid) in the saliva or in the various tissues of the body.
Disease has mainly seasonal nature being spread more during the winter and spring. Equally affects both sexes aged 5-15 years. Occupy a large percentage of cases in adolescence, but there are cases also often elderly cyber monday or seniors. For children newborn cyber monday to 6 months of life, is an extremely rare phenomenon due to passive protection from maternal transmission of immunity.
To pass the infection is an indispensable living close contact with the source of infection. This is mainly conditioned by the collective life (kindergartens, schools, dormitories, cafes, etc.). Only source of infection is a sick person or carrier of viruses. The infection is done by air, directly through spërklave or through contaminated objects with infected saliva. Saliva is contagious for seven to eight days before the onset of clinical signs and about ten days after the onset of illness. Also eliminated the virus during the first 15 days of the disease through urine.
The virus enters the upper respiratory ways, multiplied and from there passes into the bloodstream. By the blood he distributed in various organs, but especially in the salivary glands, sex glands, pancreas, thyroid, liver, kidney, and nervous system.
For mumps is not there any specific treatment, it is more symptomatic. Drugs are important for lowering cyber monday the temperature (paracetamol, ponstan). During the temperature advised bed rest as well as liquid diet chewing difficult. cyber monday Regarding orchitis, contrary to popular opinion, physical activity plays no part in its development or other complications. But in this case the treatment is specific and the physician specialist.
When we say that mumps affects the salivary glands (glandula parotis), this is not enough. In fact, we should mention that mumps is a viral disease of the total, which according to localization presented with different clinical forms.
Said that the infection primarily affects the salivary glands, but can, especially to adults, cyber monday as the first clinical sign of life orchitis (testicular inflammation), pancreatitis (infection of the pancreas) cyber monday or the nervous system (meningoencephalitis). The most common form that occurs, it is the inflammation of the gland parotis (mumps).
This form begins with general signs such as weakness, loss of appetite, headache, sore throat, fever and temperature cyber monday 38-39 degrees C. After 24 hours the patient feels difficulty in chewing, ear pain from one or both sides, sometimes may also have vomiting. Later start displaying typical signs of the disease with pain in the lower angle of the jaw, this pain that spreads to the neck and ear. It is here we parotis gland swelling (condition of saliva) that may remain cyber monday unilateral, but may be mutual, two - five days. This form gives the characteristic swelling face, that of pear. Swelling cyber monday can take large proportions including neck and chest. Swollen area of skin is shiny and without color shift. Swelling characteristic is greater, during and immediately cyber monday after feeding as a result of harassment reflector secretion. Also noticed an irritation of the throat and tonsils (angina). The general situation cyber monday is relatively good.
After touching the salivary glands, testicles touching (orchitis) remains the most frequent cyber monday localization of the virus. It occurs in 20-30 percent of men affected by the virus
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